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Join date : 2022-06-23

Complete Ketogenic Diet For Beginners Empty Complete Ketogenic Diet For Beginners

Fri Jun 24, 2022 4:30 pm
Complete Ketogenic Diet For Beginners- Click Link For More Info ==>


1. Grind and measure. Use coarse ground coffee that resembles sea salt in your press, and measure 2 tablespoons per 6 ounces of water.

2. Add hot water. Fill the press with hot water that's just off the boil. Make sure to saturate all the grounds.

3. Place plunger and brew. Put the plunger back on the press without pushing it down, and let the coffee brew for 4 minutes.

4. Press and pour. Gently push down the plunger until it reaches the bottom of the press, and enjoy.
Posts : 151
Join date : 2022-06-23

Complete Ketogenic Diet For Beginners Empty Re: Complete Ketogenic Diet For Beginners

Sat Jun 25, 2022 9:32 am
Really depends on your body fat distribution. some people lose fat on their face first, while others lose fat on their legs, chest or belly. But dont worry if you are doing the right stuff you are losing weight!
Posts : 163
Join date : 2022-06-23

Complete Ketogenic Diet For Beginners Empty Re: Complete Ketogenic Diet For Beginners

Sat Jun 25, 2022 9:33 am
10 lbs, from 150 to 140

But I also gained some muscle definition, so that helped people notice too
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